Consumers should be more educated when purchasing the suede,and should have reasonable expectations in respect to durability and quality of the suede they are buying.Meaning that a motor cycle jacket cannot be soft a pig skin not be plush and a thin soft suede cannot be durable.
Consumers should be aware of presence of imperfections in new garment and should check for them at point of purchase.
Correct storage of suede is very important to their longevity.Pollution,humidity and light,have serve detrimrntal affects on suede.
In Summary
A large amount of common problems can be avoided, by encouraging manufacturers to test their products prior to releasing new fashion lines. It is in our interest to have high standards of manufacturing and serviceability of garments to protect both us and the consumer. That is why our company provides testing services, for a minimal charge, which are very comprehensive , as we have at our disposal all three cleaning mediums , perchlorethylene , hydrocarbon , and wet cleaning . In China we have one of the highest manufacturing standard requirements. Therefore we cannot emphasize enough the importance of purchasing garments in China . That is , if the consumer wants to be assured of high quality , serviceability and protection of the European standards. " Buy European" is not only a logo , but has important practical implications .